1. Grave of Fireflies
It is my favorite but I confess I only watched it once because it was so powerful, so touching and it changed me so deeply, that I couldn’t go through the experience again. When a story touches me deep down, it goes to my top favorites for sure. It is a story that is important. Everyone should watch it, even if it breaks your heart. It brings back our humanity.
2. Spirited Away
Not only a PERFECTLY animated movie, but also a beautiful story about the experience of a girl in a magic world. The movie is not only perfect, but the ending song, about the child that grows up and forget how to be young, well… it reminds me of Inside Out, when the girl forgets her imaginary friend.
3. Princess Mononoke
Bloody, beautiful, *chef’s kiss*. Amazing story about respecting nature, about greedy men who only cares about themselves until the spirits of the forest fights back.
4. Howl’s Moving Castle.
Perhaps not at all time favorite among other Ghibli fans, but I love how Sophie feels better as an old lady and the scenarios are breath-taking! I could stare at the backgrounds for hours!
5. Whisper of the Heart
I love this story. It has nothing too magical about it, except the story about the cat the protagonist writes. Yes, it is a story about pursuing our dreams and that’s what makes it so special.