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5 Favorite Non-Disney Animated Movies

Foto do escritor: Vivi CorralVivi Corral

1. Anastasia

Don Bluth is a genius. This movie is a fairy tale that explores the legend of Anastasia, the princess who supposed lived when all her family died. The movie is cute, the scene when she dances with the ghosts and then finds out she really is the lost princess is really touching. It actually made me (as a kid) study about Russia.

2. Trolls

I don’t know which one I love the most, Trolls or Trolls World Tour. The first has amazing messages (not the mention Justin Timberlake’s gorgeous voice singing True Colors) about happiness and the second has wonderful soundtrack (gosh, my kid is four and now she knows Scorpions!) and a touching message about diversity.

3. Land Before Time

Another old, but gold movie. Kind of movie that makes me incredibly sad because Little Foot’s parents die, but then he goes on a journey to find himself and others of his species. I think it was one of those movies I watched four to five times in a day and drove my mom crazy.

4. How to Train your Dragon

C’mon, if you don’t like Toothless you’re a heartless person. The cutest dragon that was animated by the same artist who made Stitch. I love the fact that it has a happy ending, even though the protagonist isn’t completely spared.

5. Shrek

It is here because it’s the kind of movie that completely changed animation. Not the technical part, but the script is amazing and when first watching you say several times ‘uh… I think this isn’t for kids’.

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